Tuesday, August 14, 2012


I will be the first to admit I've been remiss in updating this blog...my apologies lots of craziness going on here at WSBA but things are settling down and I need to tend to business.

The Olympics ended their 17 day run in London on Sunday with an expected win by the latest U-S Men's Basketball Dream Team.  The Lebron-Kobe led squad got the gold medal with a 7 point win over Spain.  I suspect that Magic, Bird and MJ are now laughing at the assertion, by the current group, that they were equal to the original 1992 Dream Team.  I suspect if Dream Team 1992 played Dream Team 2012--in their primes--you would see a double digit win by the '92 group.

I've read with interest some of the comments blasting NBC's coverage.  I think considering the circumstances the network did very well.  I knew that Usain Bolt won the 100 and 200 Meter dashes in mid-afternoon last week but I made sure I was tuned in to watch the feat.  As technology improves it is going to be very hard for any network to cover sporting events as they occur around the world.  However reading a tweet or a text alert that Bolt won is no comparison to seeing him run with the greatest of ease.

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